Date palm is also known as “Persian date” and “date palm”. A single date palm contains about 15 grams of fructose, which is 70 percent of the sugar content of the fruit, and the sugar is easier to digest. Known as “desert bread”, it is one of the most popular foods in the Middle East.

Dates Palm

In 2021, a large number of dates from Iran and other countries will enter the Pakistani market and even be exported to the world. The local date palm industry is facing a severe test. A customer from INDUS in Karachi, Pakistan was deeply impressed: 40 kg of normal-quality dates used to sell for 3,000 rupees (about 256 RMB), but now they can only sell for 1,500 rupees (about 128 RMB), and the price has dropped by half.

Date Palm Price in Pakistan

Although Pakistani people love this kind of “sweet food”, there are few deep-processed date palm products, and there is no source of added value other than dried dates. And many European countries import dates from the Middle East, de-pit and package them and sell them all over the world, and the profits have doubled. Looking for new business opportunities in the severe market environment, INDUS also wants to take this as a breakthrough to increase sales.
For more than ten years, Jergoug has been committed to promoting the automation and digitization of equipment in the food industry, which coincides with the demands of INDUS.
The date palm processing production line developed by GELGOOG Company is fully automated and can work continuously and uninterruptedly. the problem. By sharing the date palm processing automation solution previously provided to ED WOOD FARM in Thailand, Jergoug provided INDUS with data support for the grading size, pitting diameter and other details of the date palm, and the meticulous service has won the trust of customers.

In December 2021, the INDUS date processing production line, which was officially put into operation, was put into operation. The quality of the cleaned, graded, pitted and packaged dates has been praised by customers, and we shared this joy through videos shared by customers. The customer promises to cooperate with Jergoug in other fields of food processing in the future.

At present, the consumption market of the dates palm industry is huge. From fresh dates palm barhee to dried dates, there are many deep-processed products ranging from coarse to refined, such as dates vinegar and red dates milk. Joining hands with Pakistan INDUS Company, GELGOOG Company will rely on technological innovation to empower the fields of food deep processing technology such as dates.

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